Fire sprinkler systems have been the cornerstone of fire protection for decades. These automated systems, designed to detect and suppress fires quickly, have proven to be highly effective in reducing property damage and saving lives. South Africa, with its diverse climate and varying fire risks, has seen a growing emphasis on fire sprinkler protection in recent years.
In South Africa, the two standards most prevalent within the Fire Sprinkler Industry are SANS 10287 (South African National Standard) and the ASIB 12th edition standard (Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau).
The ASIB 12th Edition Standard undergoes continuous updates and enhancements annually to adapt to evolving storage risks and product advancements. Notably most recently, the growing adoption of electric vehicles and increased battery utilisation has led to a rise in large-scale battery storage. In response to this shift, the ASIB promptly issued an industry letter outlining the new risks and recommended protocols for safeguarding batteries stored within premises on a significant scale. It is this continual swift response from the ASIB standard to meet changes in the local industry and innovations within fire protection standards internationally, which sets the ASIB apart from other standards for fire protection in South Africa.
QD Fire strongly recommends all our clients in South Africa to strive for ASIB compliance. This is to ensure our clients receive a fire sprinkler system which is up to date with the latest international fire protection codes as well as maintaining relevance to local conditions. The ASIB standard undergoes regular updates to align with new building practices, emerging fire risks associated with evolving consumer products, and advancements in the fire sprinkler protection industry. Adapting the ASIB standard is beneficial to our clients in that their fire sprinkler protection system will be designed and installed in accordance with a proven standard based on factual data and not assumptive design.
It is essential that the fire equipment installed complies with an established standard of quality to guarantee proper functionality in the event of a fire. The most widely recognised standard of quality within the international fire sprinkler protection industry is FM Approval.
FM Approval is a prominent global entity specializing in third-party testing and certification services. The ASIB standard mandates that for a fire sprinkler installation to be ASIB compliant, all fire sprinkler equipment installed must possess FM Approval with the exception of only the fire pumps and fire water storage tanks. The FM Approval process ensures that the fire sprinkler protection equipment adheres to stringent quality, technical integrity, and performance standards for loss prevention. Look for the FM Approved sign below on all your fire sprinkler equipment to ensure it is of the highest quality in the fire protection industry.

For more information on FM Approvals,
visit their website here:
In order to guarantee the installation of high quality fire pumps and fire water storage tanks in ASIB compliant fire sprinkler systems, the ASIB requires that fire pumps and fire water storage tanks be supplied exclusively by companies who have obtained an ASIB approval for their pump or tank. The completion of fire pumps and fire water storage tanks must be entrusted to a proficient ASIB approved supplier to maintain consistency and quality throughout the industry. To attain ASIB approval on their product, a company must demonstrate outstanding product quality, adhere to rigorous standards for product integrity and design, complete a product testing procedure with the ASIB, and ensure the product maintains compliance with the most current ASIB Standard.
Look for the ASIB Listed and Approved Supplier sign below to ensure your fire pumps and fire water storage tanks are ASIB approved.

To ensure fire sprinkler installations are installed correctly in accordance with the ASIB standard, the ASIB require that only ASIB approved installers complete installations that comply with the ASIB standard. This requirement ensures that an installer is competent to complete the installation, employs people who are deemed competent in their knowledge of the ASIB standard and most importantly to ensure that only the highest quality is upheld within the fire protection industry. In order for a fire protection company to become an ASIB approved installer, the company must employ at least one staff member who has passed the ASIB competency exam and is deemed competent in their knowledge of the ASIB standard.
Look for the ASIB Listed and Approved Sprinkler Installer sign below to ensure your fire sprinkler protection installer is ASIB approved.

For more information on the ASIB standard,
visit their website here:
QD Fire takes pride in being an ASIB approved installer, with an ASIB certificate holder present in each of our executive teams throughout South Africa.
Contact QD Fire today for a free quotation and evaluation of your Fire Protection Requirements.